Beirut & Beyond International Music Festival, in collaboration with Station Beirut, was pleased to begin its 2016 series of activities with a unique concert featuring Egyptian musician Maurice Louca.
Beirut & Beyond also organized, in partnership with Fete de La Musique in Lebanon, a professional gathering “Crossing Perspectives on Collaboration”. Bringing together members from the Board of Trustees of Beirut & Beyond with local professionals.
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icon_animation_delay=” link=” target=’_self’] Now Media – Talking to Maurice Louca at Beirut & Beyond’s kick-off event
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PHOTOS (by Elena Kukoleva / Sawrini)
Press release on Maurice Louca concert.
[icons size=’fa-2x’ custom_size=’20’ icon=’fa-file-pdf-o’ type=’normal’ position=” border=’yes’ border_color=” icon_color=” background_color=” margin=” icon_animation=” icon_animation_delay=” link=” target=’_self’] Arabic | English[icons size=’fa-2x’ custom_size=’20’ icon=’fa-file-word-o’ type=’normal’ position=” border=’yes’ border_color=” icon_color=” background_color=” margin=” icon_animation=” icon_animation_delay=” link=” target=’_self’] Arabic | English