We're looking for enthusiastic individuals from different disciplines to join our team, in preparation...
Open Call: Fundamentals of Bedroom Music Production
Workshop by Mazen El Sayed. 8-12 November 2021. A long-due collaboration with Mazen El...
Beirut 20/21 Compilation Announcement
Dear friends, We are proud to announce the release of Beirut 20/21, a 20...
Musicians & Live Sound Workshop: Open Call
Following the success of Women Do Sound and the feedback we received from artists...
Musicians Support Program
Our Musicians Support Program was launched with the aim of providing Lebanon-based musicians and...
Women Do Sound - Live Sound Workshop by Sana Romanos.
The live music scene has been on hold longer than any of us expected....
Beirut and Beyond: Musicians Support Program - Open Call to Apply - Deadline 28 Dec 2020
In the wake of Lebanon’s multitude of crises, Beirut and Beyond announces its innovative...
In Solidarity: Oslo - Paris - Beirut
In the wake of Lebanon’s multitude of crises, Oslo World, our founding partner, has...
B&B The Homegrown Edition 2020
Compelled to postpone its dates by the unprecedented events rocking Lebanon, Beirut & Beyond...
Mejwiz Music Program - Open Call
We are partnering up with Mejwiz to support the local music scene in Lebanon...
Beyond International Music Festival 2019 postponed
In solidarity with the popular uprising taking place across Lebanon against the current systems...
BBIMF2019 Professional Program - Registration open for Professionals
As a platform for meetings and exchange, BBIMF encourages networking to sow the seeds...